About Us
Introducing The Aspire Leadership Network
Launched in January 2021, the Aspire Leadership Network (ALN) is an exciting new venture borne out of the unifying desire to empower and transform both individuals and communities through the application of leadership principles.
ALN is a thought leadership and training organisation that seeks to provide holistic leadership education through a teaching method drawing upon both academic and Islamic approaches to leadership.
We believe that leadership is a powerful tool that can be applied in every aspect of life, and not just by those literally in positions of management and by those who have rank or authority. Leadership – rather – is an attribute and series of characteristics which can be harnessed by anyone who can serve people and to move them towards goals.
Through our programs, seminars and workshops, we hope to enable our trainees to create lasting, positive change in their communities and themselves by harnessing the insights and resources we provide to help actualise transformation at every level.

Develop a pipeline of diverse and innovative future leaders for the wider society at each level.
Promote leadership excellence and innovation in business and community through leading-edge programs grounded in proven theories and techniques in a sustainable way.
Help develop high-trust, diligent future leaders that honour people, defy the critics and thrive in the face of difficulties.
Our Philosophy
ALN believes that with an approach to leadership that synthesises both Islamic and Academic approaches to leadership, we can help both everyday individuals be their best selves, as well as raise awareness of leadership theories and unlock their practical applications for everyday life. By imbuing our trainees and leaders with skills and traits that come from best-practice approaches, we help them achieve incredible results through applied leadership, whether they are in positions of management or not.
Rooting our leadership development programs in advanced knowledge from both modern leadership theory and the exemplary methods of the Prophet (SAW), we aspire to develop and nurture the leadership capabilities of all our trainees in a way as to leave them and those around them transformed.
Our Core Values
Keep promises and align our behaviour with our purpose and values. Doing what we say we will do, and act with integrity.
Every person is unique and of equal value and has the right to be treated with understanding, dignity, and respect.
We strive for a level of excellence through continuous learning and improvement.
We continually search for creative models of leadership training models, management consultancy, and innovative community development initiatives.
We regularly evaluate the quality of our services and build upon past experience to find quality solutions to problems.

Introducing Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi
Dr Rawaa El Ayoubi is the Founder and catalyst behind the Aspire Leadership Network.
She is a Muslim academic with 28 years of experience in the fields of management and leadership. Her work primarily focuses on the synthesis between both Islamic and academic approaches to leadership and what makes a good leader. In this respect, she has been extensively involved in a variety of leadership roles throughout her life. She lives by the principle that an exemplary leader means clarifying principles before modeling the way and setting the example of a role model by aligning actions with principles. She says: “It’s not about just me being a role model, but about empowering people and making them believe that they can be role models and leaders for change.”
With her dual Masters’s in Administration and Arts, a Diploma in practice management, a Ph.D. in philosophy, as well as an academic background in Islamic studies, Dr. Rawaa has a rich academic background that complements her experience in practical leadership gained in the Muslim community and not-for-profit sector. She has previously served on several Boards of Directors of renowned educational and charity organisations. She is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).
She was previously appointed to Canterbury & Bankstown City Council’s Advisory Committees of Family and Children Reference Groups in Sydney. As an experienced academic and published author, Dr. Rawaa serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
She is currently preparing for a Doctorate in Business Leadership at Torrens University.
Learn more about Dr Rawaa’s educational and professional backgrounds by visiting her LinkedIn page.
Dr. Rawaa's Publications
Dr Rawaa El Ayoubi has authored many books including, Ijtihad: Independent Legal Reasoning And Muslims in Australia, The Relevance of Islamic Jurisprudence to Muslims in the West and La Relation Entre La Sécurité Sociale EtLes Hôpitaux Privés Au Liban. She has also authored many book chapters and journal articles as well.